Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Beginning

Mom and I moved in almost exactly a year ago to our haunted house.  Of course I didn't know it was haunted at the time but I did know there was something about it that stood out to me.  And yes, I meant "me".  In case you didn't know I actually ended up picking out the house.  Mom just really didn't have time, and since we're a team, I got to look for the house.  I remember reading a couple comments on YouTube when I talked about picking out the house, they talked about how no teen age girl would pick out the house her family was moving in to.  I think it's so funny when people on YouTube are so confident in their world view and they just know that there's no other possibilities out there.  But anyway, back to the subject.

I found this house online and showed it to Mom.  She wasn't too sure at first because it has a big yard and she didn't want to constantly do yard work but I talked her in to it.

I didn't know that when I moved in I would eventually uncover a crazy paranormal mystery.  But before I get in to all that let me tell you about my first experience in the house.

I've never been one to really even think about ghosts.  I just figured they were something Hollywood made up and that was that.

So about a month after we moved in I was home alone on a Wednesday afternoon.  I was reading in my room when I heard something fall off the kitchen counter and rattle around on the floor.  It was pretty loud and I knew the dogs were outside so I figured Mom was home.  I went downstairs to say hi.  Only she wasn't there.  She hadn't come home.  In the middle of the kitchen floor there was a metal spoon.  I thought it was weird that it had fallen off the counter and onto the middle of the floor.  How would it have gotten that far out away from the counter?  I quickly blamed it on the cat being dumb and picked up the spoon and sat it back on the counter.  Right as I sat the spoon down that's when I heard the voice.  It sounded like someone was right behind me, right over me shoulder, and they whispered "don't".

I was startled and spun around but no one was there.  It really freaked me out so I quickly just told myself it was my imagination.  Things stayed pretty quiet for the next month and then I had another experience....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Little Background on Me!

So my name is... well, I go by Sunshine.  My mom is a little super paranoid about giving out info on the interwebs about my name, where we live, all that jazz.  I'm sure you understand.  And since I've formed a YouTube channel and gotten some success with views and meeting awesome people, it's proven to be a good idea.  See, even though I have met some awesome people online, to interact with, there have also been the predictable creepers, LOL.

But, why am I even on YouTube to begin with?  Well, my house is haunted and my mom didn't believe me.  My first videos were posted on December 10th, 2010.  I finally heard enough creepy things around the house that I was able to convince my mom to buy me a camera so I could try and capture all the paranormal activity going on at my house.  Now I had no idea what would eventually end up happening, but my goal was simple, prove to my mom that I'm not insane.

So this blog will talk about many of the things I have gone through, some of the behind the scenes things that people haven't seen or heard on  my YouTube and Facebook and much more.  I'll try to update it as often as I can.

Thanks for reading!  You rock!  


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This is where I'm going to blog about my haunting, my paranormal adventures and my life trying to go through life as a teenager in the position I'm in.

Fun!.... BLAH!